Vitamin E’s radical properties play a vital role in various health conditions including cardiovascular benefits, and it also promotes a healthy immune system with very high antioxidant properties, and various mental health benefits.
Studies have shown that Vitamin E improves your cognitive performance and reduces anxiety symptoms. It has also shown a noticeable decrease in depressive behaviour, especially under those suffering with anxiety. It has also been proven that vitamin E may lower the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease and other cognitive decline.
It increases the body's resistance to diseases, and it increases your mental health and has shown the ability to assist and be useful in premenstrual syndrome and in reducing the number of hot flashes in menopausal women.
It has been suggested to be useful in many other conditions, including neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, liver disease, and periodontal disease.
No wonder, they call Vitamin E the Stress Buster.
Benefits of Vitamin E include:
1. Improves your cognitive performance
2. Reduces anxiety symptoms
3. Decrease in depressive behaviour
4. Decrease anxiety
5. Lower the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease and other cognitive decline.
6. Increases the body's resistance to diseases
7. Increases your mental health
8. Shown the ability to assist and be useful in premenstrual syndrome
9. Assist in menopausal symptoms
The efficiency, and safety, and all listed information are all backed up with studies and linked to clinical data:
Alpha-Tocopherol administration produces an antidepressant-like effect in predictive animal models of depression - PubMed (
Dietary antioxidants and long-term risk of dementia - PubMed (
Dietary vitamin E deficiency increases anxiety-like behaviour in juvenile and adult rats - PubMed (
Vitamin E Linked to Mental Health | NHRI (